Half Pads

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40 Results
(1 Review)

In a perfect world, every saddle would fit our horses perfectly. Unfortunately, this isn't always the case. Half pads fit between your saddle and saddle pad to enhance the fit of your saddle and provide additional cushioning for your horse's back which operates as a safeguard against back pain and discomfort. Designed to fit English saddles, many hunter/jumper, dressage, and eventing riders utilize half pads for both schooling rides and competitions.

Our extensive selection of half pads features items from trusted equine brands including Acavallo, E A Mattes, Equine Comfort Products, Fleeceworks, ThinLine, and Total Saddle Fit. These half pads for horses modify the fit of the saddle to accommodate your horse's unique conformation. Our inventory includes sheepskin half pads, gel half pads, memory foam half pads, fleece half pads, closed-cell foam half pads, high impact foam half pads, and open cell low density foam half pads. The materials conform to your horse's back and protect the back muscles, spine, and withers while eliminating pressure points.

Some half pads offer wither relief cut outs, while other raise the pommel of the saddle or the cantle of the saddle to put the saddle in a balanced position. Shimmable half pads allow you to build the perfect half pad for your horse and saddle combination with a custom fit.

If you have a well-fitting saddle, your horse may still benefit from a half pad. Look for a thin half pad, such as those from ThinLine, which will protect your horse's sensitive back without altering the fit of the saddle.

Selecting the right half pad for your horse will depend on your horse's conformation as well as the fit of your saddle. Our friendly and experienced sales staff is always available to answer your saddle pad questions and assist you in making your half pad purchase. For our local customers, we also offer professional saddle fitting services to assist you in determining how to properly pad your saddle for your horse's back.